When I send emails asking for cut file requests I love reading through your responses. One request was for girl scout cut files. A mom told me she couldn’t seem to find much of anything for her girl scout daughter.
I came up with a small pack of girl scout cut files with girls and troop moms in mind. I can picture mommas and their girls wearing matching shirts while selling girl scout cookies. Does anyone else look forward to girl scout cookie season? I sure do!
Crafty mommas and grandmas pull out those Cricut and Silhouette machines. You can make paper banners, shirts, pillowcases and much more for your girl scout.
Girl Scout Cut Files – FAQs
What can I make with these cut files?
Cut these files onto any medium you prefer and make SO MANY THINGS! Make mugs, cups, shirts, onesies, tote bags or basically whatever your heart desires. I have put together a list of adhesive and iron-on blanks and 35 ways to use adhesive vinyl to give you more ideas. My Vinyl Direct has a whole bunch of vinyl blanks you will fall in love with.
Where do you get your vinyl?
I buy from a handful of different places to get my hands on new products when they come out. I love Happy Crafters because the girls are always so willing to help and they have quick processing time. Waiting around for items to ship is the worst! I also like to purchase from My Vinyl Direct and Expressions Vinyl. Both of these places offer the typical colors and types of vinyls and both have an array of fun prints staying on top of new trends.
Do I have to input my email and name each time I want to download a new freebie from your site?
Yes. The form tracks cut file popularity and how many times cut files are downloaded.
Can I sell items I create with the free cut files?
Yes, the cut file is for personal and commercial use. You may NOT sell the digital files themselves but you may sell items you create using the cut file designs. Please tag us with your creations on IG (@poofycheeksblog) and we may share on our own feed!