On Friday we were able to get my mom to watch the kids so we could go see a movie. Movies are a rare thing in these parts. With a four and two year old – it leaves little time for theaters where the main component is listening. Not to mention, Mike and I rarely have a night off together! So what movie did we see…? HUNGER GAMES of course. We met my mother-in-law and sister-in-law for the 10pm show. At first my husband wasn’t convinced he was going to like it, but he did. He likes the killing type stuff.
Since I rarely dress up these days – I made Mike take some pictures of my outfit for a W.I.W. post. He is pretty good with the camera I must say. (Yes husband I am giving you a compliment here on the blog! ((He always reminds me that he should be mentioned for his skills!)))

I only have one criticism. He doesn’t really have an eye for outfit details. Like the fact that my bra straps were showing, or the little hanger ties were popping out in almost every picture.)

Outfit Rundown – Shirt is Lauren Conrad from Kohls, Jeans are Levi rolled up a few times, Shoes are Toms, Necklace is from Live.Laugh.Love.
Tuesday 3rd of April 2012
Hi,I am a new GFC follower. I love your site. I found you through a grow your blog hop. I would love for you to stop by my site and return the favor and follow me using GFC as well. Thanks so much!http://www.chunkyandmonkeymd.com