Sorry that the pictures aren’t too great this time around. I was trying to take pictures while the guys were still working on putting stuff together! Here is a sneak peak of my craft desk!
Testing stains – I went with Miniwax Red Mahogany. I love dark woods.
My dad built all three of these sawhorses for $16 – he is so gosh darn handy! I painted them with some Wal-Mart Glidden paint. He bought a piece of finished pine board and pine trim to make the top of the desk which cost $48 all together. I went over to his house and stole three different stains to test. I got a little on the wall (over to the left), but luckily I had some extra yellow to touch it up!
See that TV monitor? It is actually my computer monitor now. This is where my blog magic will happen from now on! The boys had managed to break off half of the keys on our laptop, so my dad gave me this monitor as well as a keyboard and mouse to use. I pretty much turned my laptop into a desktop by changing my settings to use this monitor as a ‘projector’. My dad and husband mounted this bad boy on the wall and then ran all of the cords through the wall so they aren’t hanging out anymore. Before my dad left I had him hang my pegboards up. I hope you will come by next Wednesday to see the FINISHED room. I am sitting here now and it is amazing!