Oh where, oh where did the summer go? It seems like it just began yesterday and a week from now life as my family knows it will be completely different. Next Monday my husband goes in to have a major surgery to remove a part of his colon and the boys start school. How in the heck do I have a kindergartener and a preschooler? I am just trying to take things day by day. To be honest the stress of it all really hasn’t hit me yet, but I know it is coming. I know the thought of taking the boys for their first day of school without my husband make me get a little emotional. We have been doing what we can to get the most out of our summer the past few weeks. We had a sleepover with my sister-in-law and niece, hit up the beach a few times, went to the splash pad park, stopped for ice-cream, saw the movie Planes and have really just tried to soak up every ounce of family time we have been given. I thought it would be fun to share some of our pictures from this summer because as I look through them I am overjoyed with the memories we have made together. There were days we played Ninja Turtles and nights where we watched the old Ninja Turtle movies.
We had afternoons when the kids were so worn out they took naps on the couch. I don’t know how the boys sleep like this – but they do!
We had morning painting sessions with my watercolors.
Sundays were unofficial beach days.
One afternoon we needed a change so we tried out a new splash pad in a neighboring town.
Operation Back to School was a total success and thanks to everyone we raised over $300 to buy back to school clothes and supplies for Jared and Julie.
One of the best days this summer was when my family, parents, brother, sister, cousin and all of our extended family went to the beach. I can’t remember the last time we all had so much fun together.
That is our life lately. These are all the highlights of our summer and as I sit here putting these all together I feel so grateful for the things I have. We aren’t rich with money but we are rich with family, friends and love. Of course not every day is perfect, there are things that stress me out, times when families have problems but you have to take both the good and the bad. Take yesterday for example – I took all three kids to the doctor – the boys for an annual checkup and Delilah because she has been a cranky, drooling, crying, runny nose mess. Wyatt decided not to listen, Mason played noodle legs as soon as the doctor walked in the room and Delilah just cried. By the end of the appointment I felt like crying but instead all I could do was laugh. I drove myself through the nearest McDonald’s drive-thru and ordered up a chocolate fudge sundae. Ah the joys of motherhood – the good and the bad.Enjoy,

I party HERE
We swam in my mom and dad’s pool often. My dad put Delilah in the floating cooler and she wasn’t so sure about it.