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Mason Jar Storage Shelf Tutorial

One of the things I needed most in my craft room was storage for my elastic hair ties. They are the best selling product in my shop, and before I thought up this idea they were just thrown into a drawer. I had to sort through them to find the right colors and never knew exactly what I had in inventory. Not only are my shelves functional, but they are easy on the eyes too!
Mason Jar Storage Shelf Tutorial by Poofy Cheeks
I don’t have a picture of the shelf before I started, but I bought it from Target and you can find it HERE. Before you look at the price and think ‘OMG she spent $40 on just the shelves alone’ let me tell you that it is probably one of the most expensive things in the room and I splurged because I knew they were the most NEEDED things. Trust me I am the clearance queen and if I had more time to get things organized I would have waited for something else.
So to make one of these you will need the following:

  • A shelf with a flat bottom
  • Mason jars with lids (I used 1/2 pint and pint jars)
  • Screws (I just used drywall screws)
  • Drill
  • Chalkboard Labels (optional)

The first thing I did was hang the shelf on the wall because it would be way harder to hang it once you got the lids and jars on. Then once I had it hung I removed it from the wall and flipped it upside down. I marked where each lid would go and then drilled them down. (Remember to leave enough space in between the lids so that once the jars are on you will be able to fit your hand in to unscrew them with ease.) I then hung the shelf back on the wall and started twisting in the jars. Since I needed to keep my hair ties organized I added a chalkboard label on each jar and labeled them with the item number.
Mason Jar Storage Shelf Tutorial by Poofy Cheeks
Mason Jar Storage Shelf Tutorial by Poofy Cheeks
Mason Jar Storage Shelf Tutorial by Poofy Cheeks
I’m thanking my grandpa for this idea because he used to store all of his nails and screws in baby food jars on his tool bench.

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