I have a board on Pinterest with the title ‘Clever’ because I must say that I learn a lot of things that are… well… CLEVER! If you missed my first post on ‘clever’ Pinterest finds you can find it HERE. Have you found things on Pinterest that you never knew before? Here are some of my recent faves! If you get grease on your shirt – rub it with chalk and then wash. Wahlah – it is gone. Can’t wait to try it!! (Well I can wait… but you know what I mean.)
Use a piece of cardboard and run your tulle, twine, or yarn back and forth the cut along the ends. Perfect for when you are cutting a bunch of something that needs to be the same length. I personally use a book and it works wonders and saves TONS of time!
Put ice cubes along furniture dents in carpet and as it dries the dents will go away.
Add baking soda to the water when making hard boiled eggs to make the shells peel off easier.
Put things in a box when spray painting to reduce the mess. I have been doing this ever since I saw the pin!! I no longer have spray painted spots on my lawn.
Rub stamps with an eraser to get a crisper image. The eraser helps condition a rubber or clean stamp.
Keep your baseboards cleaner longer by wiping them with a dryer sheet. It helps to take away any static that attracts dust, dirt, and animal hair.
Please share any clever finds you have come across lately!! I would love to know about them!