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Let’s Do Lunch – Happiness

lets_do_lunch The loaded question. What does happiness mean to you? Does it mean finding your soul mate, living in a mansion, spending time with family, or having endless amounts of money? Maybe all of the above? I used to think I would find true happiness through money – every now and then I still do. In my ‘real’ job I work with clientele that have endless amounts of money. There are days when I think – if only!! Then other days I hear their stories and realize they may have endless amounts of money, but the money can’t buy them family or friends. It doesn’t buy people to be with them on the holidays or to celebrate milestones.  Over the past few months my answer to this question has drastically changed. I don’t need a mansion. I love my house and I would much rather be here than out anywhere else. I have created a home which I am comfortable in, happy in, and blessed to have. Yeah, sometimes I want to change things, buy new, get rid of old, but overall I love that my house is ME. I can take you on a tour of my home and say ‘I made this – I redid that from the thrift store – I made that too – Oh that ol’ thing… I bought it at Goodwill.’ Everything in my house is my style and I can truly say our house is a home. IMG_7481 Then I look at my two boys and it is pure, instant happiness. Their silly little comments can brighten any day. The way their little brains work can just crack me up sometimes. If that doesn’t bring happiness – what about the way they live without a care? They don’t care if we are having cereal for breakfast AGAIN, if we skip bath night, if I buy the store brand ice-cream. They are constantly happy and that brings happiness to me everyday. They don’t know or care that mommy is stressing about the bills or not getting enough hours at work. They still love on with smiling faces. DSC_0095 DSC_0110 What sparked me to write this post? The fact that the other today we spent time as a family and after getting home and reflecting on the day I realized it was filled with nothing but happiness. It was filled with family time, love, good food, and most of all memories. We made memories and what is better than that? We packed up around noon and headed to a local park/ camp ground. It was just the four of us and we grilled burgers, the boys fished, I cut twine, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. We don’t get many days like that – together as a family. Mike and I work opposite days, so usually one is working while the other is home with the boys. DSC_0188 DSC_0211 DSC_0197 DSC_0156 DSC_0204 Happiness isn’t always about money, nice cars, or a huge house. Happiness is about being in control of what you have. Being able to feel comfortable, make memories, and having people who love you. I am so loved by my three boys and that makes me forever happy! signature (Please only link up your true life stuff – work, weight loss, life, and love. Please do NOT link up crafts, tutorials, or tips because there are plenty of link parties already made for those sorts of things.) I also ask that you kindly grab a button or put a text link in your blog post!

Poofy Cheeks

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