I started following The Pleated Poppy about 6 weeks ago (yeah so I’m a little behind!) and I love What I Wore Wednesday. Though I have been meaning to link up ever since I started following – I am often wearing sweats, a work uniform or mommy-wear. That is the whole point though – Lindsay said she started WWIW ‘to keep myself accountable to get out of my pj’s and sweats, and put a little effort into what i wore each day.’ As a mom I totally need this same encouragement! Thanks for getting me out of my sweats Lindsey!!! Today I dropped the kids off with my in-laws to go shopping with my sister. It gave me a wonderful excuse to get out of my sweats and into some of the cuter clothes I own. The clothes that rarely get worn. My pictures were taken while we were out and about… Dear Victoria’s Secret, can I please have one of your dressing rooms in my house because you have the biggest best mirror ever!? Thanks-Kelsey
So the outfit rundown—not much to it since it was high 70s here today!
- Tank top – Elle from Kohl’s
- Jeans – TJ Max
- Shoes – Gianni Bini from Dillard’s
- Watch – Fossil
Shirt also shown here from Disney a few weeks ago- my new favorite color!! Enjoy,