This elf on the shelf printables post contains affiliate links. When you purchase through these links you get them at regular price (and sometimes lower) and we receive a small commission to keep the blog running!
Yesterday I shared 20 Elf on the Shelf ideas and today I am sharing 15 more! Our elf, Misteltoe, always arrives the day after Thanksgiving at our North Pole brunch so now he will be armed with enough ideas to last through Christmas. In past years Mistletoe has been a little on the boring side but the boys weren’t old enough to understand some of his mischievous antics. I can’t wait for Mistletoe to spice things up this year and to watch the boys’ reactions!
15 Elf on the Shelf Ideas –
Carson the Elf – a bit conceited (uploaded by a Pinterest user).
‘Spidey Elf’ (uploaded directly to Pinterest from a Pinterest user)
Elf of the Shelf in the sleigh
Elf on the Shelf paper bag race
Family photo isn’t complete without the elf!
Elf gets mailed from North Pole from Pinterest
Dino Mischief from Carey Pace on Flickr
Elf Milk from Life As I See It
Sliding Elf from Inner Child Fun
Marshmallow snowball fight from Nelly Cole Photography
Piano playing elf from One Step Away
Elf on the Shelf cereal mascot (picture uploaded from a Pinterest user).
Pirate elf (Pinned from Pinterest user)
Elf on the Shelf enjoying hot cocoa from 505 Design

20 Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Busy Parents That Require No Prep
Sunday 29th of November 2020
[…] Making Elf Milk […]
20 Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas for Busy Parents That Require No Prep
Friday 5th of January 2018
[…] Making Elf Milk […]
wahyu triwidianto
Wednesday 24th of June 2015
Nice post Kelsey! It give me some idea for my son birthday, thanks a lot! He really loves elf and the idea will makes him reeeeealy happy!
Jaclyn N Lil M
Wednesday 27th of November 2013
adorable!! love your ideas!! so cute :) thanks for sharing