Some mornings I wake up and I still can’t believe that this is real. For some reason I have not let it fully sink in that I am pregnant. With the boys it wasn’t like this. I just have this hesitation from our miscarriage, and it is hard to shake it off. I hold my breath at every appointment until the doctor finds the baby’s heartbeat. I keep telling myself that after the next appointment it will feel ‘real’, but maybe it won’t feel real until I am holding our new little one in my arms for the first time. I already know that I will tear up with joy, because I have tears in my eyes now. To see the other notes to baby go HERE. Our family keeps talking about the baby girl we are going to have, but I don’t know if I am convinced that it is a girl. I have said before that I really do not care if it is a boy or a girl. Friends keep asking if I have a ‘feeling’ of the gender, but I do not. I never did with the boys either. We have our ultrasound on July 5th, and the doctor’s office is calling my friend who is going to do gender reveal cupcakes for us. My birthday is July 8th, so we will find out then!