Like that title? It took me years to think of it – LOL! I love terrariums. I think they are serene, beautiful, and intriguing. Since I love them, (but don’t know #1 where to get them and #2 wouldn’t know the first thing about them), I figured I would make a fake! Fake it till’ you make it darlings!! Plus, I knew it would be the perfect touch to my ‘Bloom’ entryway!
I gathered my supplies –- Glass jar/container thing – (Goodwill has TONS! I got his one for $0.99!!)
- Spanish Moss
- Fake Bird’s Eggs
- Recollections Flower Embellishments
- Fake Moss Ball
- Mini terracotta pot
- Skewer
- Ribbon
I purchased all of my supplies besides for the container at Michael’s craft store. Love that place and their 40% off coupons!! There is no real ‘way’ of doing this. What I did was fill the jar with Spanish moss. Then I used a skewer to push it down into the jar. Since the terracotta pot has a hole in the bottom, I slid it down the skewer to get the placement that I wanted. Once I added the other elements, I used the skewer again to sort of move things into the place I wanted them.
Once I got things the way I liked – I used my hot glue gun to wrap the top of the jar with ribbon for an extra lovely touch!
Wahlah – easy as pie and cute to boot!