Today we are joined by Bianca of Love What’s Missing —- In October of 2009, four months after my son was born he was diagnosed with unilateral open lipped Schizencephaly. The journey has been incredibly tough; but there isn’t a thing I would change about my situation or my life. Many people have asked me over the past few years what it’s like to be a special needs parent. Although it’s difficult to fully convey the full experience, I can tell you that the experience itself is the most humbling. These children teach humility, selflessness, understanding and most importantly love. I’ve decided to make a compilation of all the things my son Skylar has taught me since his diagnosis. Points I live by, and plan on continuing to. You’d be surprised by the amount of wonderful knowledge the smallest person can teach you without speaking. 1. Everything in life happens for a reason. As cliché, or repetitive as it may sound I’ve come to learn to accept the cards I’ve been dealt, and learn to let go. There is no sense in dwelling in the “what ifs”, or what could of been. It will only tear you apart and smother you. Fixation on the past is unhealthy for the soul and mind, move forward graciously with a smile.
2. Never take anything in your life for granted. I am not speaking in terms of possessions, more along the lines of the simple unconscious actions we make without a second thought. The ability to speak, walk, the use of our five senses, our extremities. Although most do not put much thought into these because most were blessed to have full use of our bodies, be thankful for them. Live with a deep appreciation for life, we will never know the outcome of tomorrow. 3. Pure happiness is found in the smallest of things. There is no accomplishment that is too small not worth praising. Whether it be a smile, laugh, a milestone hit, or a newly mastered skill. Have faith in yourself and them; find joy in every baby step, or giant leap. They are all magnificent.
4. I am stronger than I ever would of ever imagined. These past two years have pushed my limits as as a person, they have beaten me, and I always somehow manage to pull myself out of these depths. I have become this incredibly proud mother to a beautiful child; I have exceeded my expected level of maturity. I have accepted Schizencephaly for what it is, and what it will be with a smile on my face and embraced it in my heart. 5. I am blessed. There are no words to ever compare to the rush of love that flows through my veins when I look at my son and what I’ve done with my life. I am blessed with an incredible other half, a ridiculously supportive family. A beautiful child who stands taller than any person I know, and ultimately gives my life full meaning. Skylar has taught me so many things, but most of all to love fearlessly and unconditionally.
Bianca is beautiful and Skylar is so adorable! I deeply admire Bianca’s strength and ability to see the good. Bianca has a shop – Love What’s Missing – and all of her profits go towards Skylar and his medical bills, therapy, and other necessities. She has some super cute items so I encourage you to check them out! Love What’s Missing- Tumblr/ Facebook/Shop