The day after Christmas I woke to a sparkling clean home. Dishes were done, toys were put away, wrapping paper had disappeared, and I sat on the couch with a big cup of coffee to watch the morning news. NOT!! Our boys made out like bandits! Between both sets of grandparents, aunts, their uncle, and Santa – my boys’ toys filled our house. Wrapping paper was everywhere – little strips are still being found. There were more empty boxes than you could shake a stick at. I’m so sick of opening and putting together toys (I thought that was what the elves were for anyways!!) that I told the boys they were not aloud to open anymore toys until this house is clean. Want to see some pictures? I invite you into my house of Christmas mess – take a look around and be careful where you step – there are Hot Wheels everywhere!
Thank goodness our trash pick-up is on Tuesdays and this pile of boxes and wrapping have made their way out of our home.
Leftover turkey anyone?
Glad you could stop by! Next time I won’t rush around cleaning things up for you. Do you have a mess?