Let me start out by saying that this IS NOT a sponsor post, I’m not being paid to say the kind words which will follow, nor am I being bribed, held hostage, or being given chocolate to include any of the following ladies or their blogs! I’m coming up on my 2 year Blogiversary in a few days, so I wanted to give some of my favorite blogs a shout out and tell them ‘Thank You’ for inspiring me and my blog daily! Lately I have come across some darn cool blogs. Though – as the traditional Girl Scout song lyrics say: “Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.” Kate from The Starr Family Blog is my long time favorite! We constantly check in on one another – and though she doesn’t know it (yet), her blog inspired me to start my own. I was searching for something on the internet and it brought me to her blog. I read one of her witty posts and was inspired by her almost instantly. Kate is so down to earth, inspiring, and has an eye for style as she is constantly amazing me with her easy home transformations. Oh and I forgot to mention – Kate is also from the Midwest – my kinda gal!
Speaking of the Midwest – one of my new faves is the Midwestern Sewing Girl! I seriously checked out the blog because of the name! Then I found Maggie, and she shares some of the best tutorials and tips. She also has an eye for home décor and a bit of a crafty girl side!
Andi from the Hollie Rogue is another wonderfully sweet momma with a great blog to boot. She is always sharing and caring – highlighting other bloggers and their handmade shops. Andi is encouraging and inspiring. I love reading about how she relates everyday life to something bigger and grander in the scheme of life.
The Weiegand’s by Casey Leigh is a blog I am rather new to. (A month or so now) and I am in love – head over heels. I can relate to so many of the things Casey says and everything on her blog is touching. Just read this and you will get what I mean! If you are a mom or even if you are not she will touch you in an emotional way.
Skye from Neathering our Fest is so darn awesome! I feel like if we were in High School together she would have been the friend that you always had sleep overs with – genuine and true, yet fun and silly! She probably passed a lot of notes in class too – see HERE – do you get my drift? Oh by the way – Let me quickly announce the winner to my giveaway– YOU WON SKYE! Email me with your address you crafty lady!
There are SO SO SO many other awesome bloggers/blogs that I just couldn’t include them all here. As a matter of fact blogger told me I reached my limit when I tried to follow a new blog the other day. Anybody heard of that? What do I do? Come back in January and I will be sharing more of my faves! Enjoy,