Before we moved to Florida six years ago, my grandma always made my dad a German Chocolate cake for his birthday. Since we moved – it has become my job to make the infamous cake. As you can see from the mess – it is a once a year tradition. Though, I won’t lie when I say it is the B-E-S-T! My dad’s birthday was on December 21st, so I bought up the ingredients and the boys and I went to baking. I have posted about my German Chocolate cake escapades the past few years, but incase you missed it I use the recipe on the inside of this wonderful little box just like my grandma has for years.
This is the recipe card I have had around for a few years now – as you can tell by the stains. The cake recipe is on the front, and the coconut pecan icing recipe is on the back.
This cake knocks my socks off every year. It is so moist, so delicious, and I just wanna scarf down the whole thing by myself. Yet it is rich – and then I would have a super belly ache! Happy 49th Birthday Dad!