Well folks… I officially have burned my thumb more times than I can count with hot glue from my glue gun! It may be red and throbbing for the rest of my days. For my sake – I hope it goes away soon. Problem is – I’m far from done with my glue gun, so I may just have a throbbing thumb for a few weeks to come! Why the burns you ask? My friend and I decided to team up and do our first craft show. She makes awesome bows! Visit her facebook page HERE! I on the other hand will try anything, so since she is going to be selling bows, and we will be at the same table, I decided to do some hair clips, earrings, and necklaces. It will be a table full of accessories! We just decided to do the show last week… and it is October 29th and 30th. We have 5 weeks to bang out all of our items, and come up with a way to display everything!
The past two days I have been, sewing, cutting, gluing, and I am in desperate need of a shower!
I lucked out yesterday because Mason took an hour and a half nap, so I was able to really focus!
Otherwise, I have been trying to do all of this in between breakfast, laundry, lunch, and life. Did I mention we are potty training too? Mason was doing really well with telling me when he had to go peepee. So, when we ran out of diapers last Thursday I decided I wasn’t buying ANY MORE! There have been quite a few messes (the floor has seen its fair share of puddles this week), but he is doing really good overall. He only peed the bed twice so far. Here he is wasting time on the potty while we are waiting….
So, I’m back to the glue gun.