Last month I had a reader who requested weight loss cut files, so here they are! I added a few that are for weight loss and a few that could be for fitness too.
My husband and I started CrossFit last year as a way to get in shape and shed some unwanted weight. I was hoping the transformation would be instant, but I’ve learned it is a slow process. The process involves learning to love yourself, respecting the things your body CAN do and giving yourself grace. Eating healthy, making time for workouts and drinking water are like a second full time job!

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Cut File FAQs
All of our cut file FAQs are in one convenient place HERE.
What You Get
The download is a ZIP folder with a SVG, DXF and PNG file inside.
Wednesday 10th of February 2021
Thank you so much for sharing. You are too sweet and kind!
Natasha Comiskey
Saturday 12th of December 2020
Thank you so very much I love your work and your so kind for sharing x
Claudia Herrera
Tuesday 14th of July 2020
Super cute!