Sometimes we all get a little tired of the same things and need to add a different main dish or side dish into the mix when it comes to dinner. I try to make a few new things a week (usually an idea from something I have pinned to my food board) and incorporate some of our favorites too but do you ever just feel like NOTHING sounds good for dinner? That has been me lately. I ask my husband what he wants for dinner and he replies with ‘I don’t care’ so then I suggest something after hours of thought and suddenly he cares and doesn’t want what I suggested. Tell me this doesn’t just happen at my house!? PLEASE!
Acorn squash came to my rescue last week. As I walked through the produce section at Target (which is probably one of the least fun sections in Target so I like to hurry though) I spotted acorn squash. My mom and dad used to grow acorn squash in our garden when we lived in Illinois and my mom would prepare it by baking it in the oven with butter and brown sugar. I grabbed it up and decided that was going to be one of our sides with dinner but I also knew I didn’t have enough time to wait for it to cook in the oven for nearly an hour. I decided to speed things up by cooking it in the microwave and it turned out just as good! I cut it in half and used a spoon to remove all of the seeds. Then I placed it in a covered microwave safe dish for ten minutes. I pulled the dish back out and added a heaping spoonful of brown sugar (about 1/3 cup) and 1/2 a tablespoon of butter to each half of squash. I put the lid back on and cooked it in the microwave for another three minutes.
Once the squash was done I placed it on the table to cool as I finished up the rest of our meal. When we were ready to eat I used a spoon to scrape the meat of the squash from the skin and stirred it all up with the butter and sugar. Everyone loved it (even baby Delilah) and it was different than the normal corn, beans or peas – SCORE!

Chris Jones
Tuesday 15th of November 2016
yum, will try this in microwave, quicker than the oven.