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Let’s Do Lunch – A Little About Me

Let me start out by saying that I was recently contacted by a few bloggers (Skye and Kasey) to join a small group they were putting together. The group consists of bloggers and small shop owners like myself. On Saturday we had our first meeting and it was AHmazing! Eight bloggers doing a video chat at one time! Each of us from different parts of the United States!

Picture Courtesy of Little Stitch!! There was Skye, Kasey, Aubrey, Morgan & Chelsea, Cassie, Kate, Natalie and myself.

It was so refreshing to actually talk to people who have the same interests, questions, and passions that I do! I could say that it went off without a hitch – but alas it wouldn’t be true. There were some hilarious and awkward bloopers along the way! To start – I got an invite to the chat and when I accepted I was looking into somebody else’s bedroom, but there was no person. Ummm… did I say awkward? Just me and this empty bedroom. I knew it was somebody from the group, but I just didn’t know who?? Turns out it was Nat from Take the Cannoli and I was visiting her guest bedroom! So in she walks and sees ME on HER computer screen. We both had a laugh! A few minutes later other members started joining the chat when we saw the notification that Sahm joined our group. Excuse me… but we don’t have a a Sahm in our group!?! Turns out we didn’t make the chat ‘private’ so within a few minutes we had two guys in our group that were NOT INVITED. If you can imagine awkward glances over a video chat, questions, and an Egyptian gentleman repeating ‘Google plus, not minus’ over and over, you would CRACK UP! It was epic!

Needless to say, a new chat room was created that was PRIVATE and we all switched right over (after I had a bit of technical difficulties of course! Had to reboot the computer – why does that always happen in the most inconvenient times?) Getting to ‘meet’ everyone and see that they have the same questions, struggles, and spirit that I do was overwhelmingly awesome.

Now to get to the bottom of this post… As part of the meeting we each drew a little sketch (stick figure drawing) that explained who we are, what we loved, where we are from, and what we do. Today I am sharing my sketch with you all in hopes that you might get to know me a little better too!

I’m also participating in a little survey that I was tagged in by Kasey (which works out conveniently for today’s post!!) So I am going to answer these questions – and I encourage you to answer a few in the comments section too if you have a little extra time! I think it is a great way for us to get to know one other via the world wide web!

  1. When is your birthday? July 8th (1987) yep thats right!
  2. What is your favorite color? Aqua/Turquoise
  3. Where do you go/what do you do when you are overwhelmed and need to clear your head? Ummm…. I wish I had a good answer for this. I am usually home with my kids or at work, so getting quite time to clear my head is practically unheard of. Typically I will head to Pinterest and ‘relax’ for a few minutes.
  4. Who would you call if you needed help burying a body? [oh yeah I just asked who your shovel buddy is.] I would probably call my husband. He is my best friend and is probably way better at digging a hole than me!! LOL!
  5. What is your favorite movie and why do you like it so much? My favorite movie of all time is Top Gun – I am not really a big Tom Cruise fan – but I LOVE this movie!
  6. If you had 15 minutes to go back in time and give the high school freshman version of yourself a piece of advice – what would it be? Just because other people do things doesn’t mean you need to! Keep to the books and away from the boys!!
  7. What is your favorite article of clothing in your closet or dresser? My turquoise sweatshirt! I wear it at least 3 times a week.
  8. Your plans for the day have been canceled [don’t worry you weren’t looking forward to it]. What are you going to do with the 8 hours you have just freed up? My floors always need to be mopped and it seems there is always something on my ‘To Do’ list, but I would be sure to squeeze in some time to craft, blog, or work on items for my shop!
  9. Of all the DIY projects and crafty goodness you’ve created what is your current favorite? Right now I am crazy in love with my ‘Bloom’ Entryway!
  10. You won a contest and were just given $1000…what do you do with it? Use it to buy supplies for my shop and take my family on a vacation/weekend trip! Oh… maybe a new pair of shoes too!?
  11. You’re super well connected fairy godmother is paying you a visit and asks if there is anyone you are eager to meet. She loves connecting people so you need to come up with someone, fast, so as not to offend her. Who do you ask to meet and why? I would love to meet Ree Drummond. I mean who doesn’t want to meet the all-popular Pioneer Woman?

(Please only link up your true life stuff – work, weight loss, life, and love. Please do NOT link up crafts, tutorials, or tips because there are plenty of link parties already made for those sorts of things.) I also ask that you kindly grab a button or put a text link in your blog post!
Poofy Cheeks
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